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Nothing is impossible.
The world itself says, I am Possible.

cit. Audrey Hepburn

Audrey Hepburn  (1929 – 1993)

British actress.

The women all over the world agree to proclaim Audrey Hepburn the undisputed icon of style.
His closet was full of basic items that never go out of fashion and that women still wear now. What, however, made this great actress an icon of style, elegance and refinement was her spontaneous character, which made her confident in any type of clothing; her femininity still emerges, even now, in every shot, in every memory captured by the camera, echoing for eternity.
Audrey Hepburn immediately connects to words such as grace, class, elegance and style.
The Audrey style was “an extension of her inner beauty”.
For many women, Audrey’s style continues to be an example of timeless harmony and sophistication, a landmark to imitate.
Audrey never liked complicated things, not even in fashion, in fact minimalism was her belief.
“When preparing, keep in mind two words: elegant simplicity”.
It’s no use getting carried away by trends when you already know what your personal style is.
Audrey did not follow fashion and her timeless image derives from her predilection for quality, at the expense of quantity.
You can be fashionable when a trend coincides with your personal style and enhances you. Chic icon beyond fashion… the “Audrey style”.
Audrey was unique, inimitable, and forever will be a beacon in the dark of bad taste.
Her elegance is, even before in the clothes, gestures and look.