virgolette WHITE

Defend the beauty!
This is your mission!

cit. Gabriele D'Annunzio

Gabriele D’Annunzio (1863-1938)

Italian writer, poet, playwright, journalist.
Poet occupied a prominent position in Italian literature from 1889 to 1910 and was defined as
“exceptional and last interpreter of the most enduring Italian poetic tradition”.
His art was so decisive for culture that it influenced customs and traditions in Italy, and beyond, of his time.
His life can be considered one of his most interesting works: according to the principles of aestheticism, “it was necessary to make life a work of art”.
He creates the aesthete mask, of the superior individual, who flees from mediocrity, taking refuge
in a world of pure art, and who despises current morality, accepting as a rule of life only the beautiful.
He led a life as a Renaissance prince, among art objects, precious fabrics, horses and breed
To know him and meet him you can browse his book or go to “Il Vittoriale degli Italiani in Gardone
Riviera”, the house where everything shows the footprints of his style.
Every object he has chosen and collected represents a way of spiritual expression and revelation,
and “it is therefore a form of my mind, an aspect of my soul, a proof of my fervor”.
To be able to say that you really have style you have to go further and give substance to other
characteristics that allow the transition from man to gentleman.
The basis is refinement. Refinement in dressing, moving, finding the right word and, more generally, refinement as a way of life.